Coordinating article:
Gūtmane Sk. Work of Heart: Integration of Painting and Iconography in Curriculum for School Breaks. – NORDPLUS “TEENS WITHOUT SCREENS: DEVELOPING TOOLS FOR SOCIAL INTERACTION THROUGH ARTS” (NPH-2020-10073)” – March, 2021.
Meeting project partners from Diakonia College of Finland (FI), Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (LT), Latvian Ballet and Dance Guild (LV) and Latvian Christian Academy (LV) led project strategy meeting in September 27-29, 2021. Minutes for further development of the project were accepted.
After meeting in Lahti several activities were organized:
1. Two coordinating meetings where Programme for the Kaunas meeting was made (ZOOM),
2. Standard template for partners’ activities description was accepted for methodic description,
3. Meeting with Majory Gymnasium teachers to introduce them with the project,
4. Ca 100 school pupils took active part in pilot project “Winter season lamps”. Some 70 lamps were made for display in the Majori Gymnasium, Jurmala Museum and Old People’s pansion. Lamps were created and put up during breaks. Results were presented in Kaunas Conference.
5. Photo session of Lamps project was organized in 28.12.202.
Meeting in Kauno Kolegija / Kaunas College, Lithuania, January 10-12, 2022
Coordinating institution:
Latvian Christian Academy, International Project Department
Contact persons:

Valters Dolacis, erasmus@kra.lv; Beata Soloveja, bsoloveja@gmail.com
Partner institutions:
Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (LT), ieva.brazauskaite@go.kauko.lt
Diakonia College of Finland (FI): Theatre Olga, marja-liisa.sabbah@sdo.fi
Majoru Vidusskola (LV), gita.strazdiņa@edu.jurmala.lv
Latvian Ballet and Dance Guild (LV), reginak@latnet.lv
Project Aims to Develop:
- Arts Integration Toolkit for Teachers “Teens Without Screens”,
- Piloting the Toolkit as a guidance for teachers in Secondary School Integrating Arts into everyday school life,
- To present in practical Conference the results of application of the Toolkit for educators and policy makers.
By Activities and Dissemination of results
The Project is reaching NORDPLUS general and NORDPLUS HORIZONTAL aims in a sustainable network on the Nordic-Baltic cooperation in education.
Time Table of Activities
1) Network Meeting 1 in Finland: October / November, 2020. Responsible: Theatre Olga. Duration: 2 days. Participants: LV (6), LT (3), FI (2).
2) Arts-Integration Toolkit for Teachers: April, 2021. Developing Toolkit and responsible for content; all partners. Duration: 1 day.
3) Training Course for Teachers and Youth Educators in Lithuania: May-October, 2021. Responsible: Kaunas University of Applied Sciences. Participants: LV (14), LT (34), FI (3). Duration: 2 days.
4) Pilot Project “Teens Without Screens” in Majori Secondary School: November, 2021. Responsible organisations: Majori Secondary School, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Theatre Olga, Ballet Guild. Participants: LV (14), LT (5), FI (2). Duration: 3 days.
5) Conference in Latvia “Teens Without Screens: Alternative for Screens in Finding Joy in Arts”: March/ April, 2022. Responsible organisations: LCA. Participants: LV (14), LT (5), FI (3). Duration: 2 days.
6) Network Meeting 2 in Latvia – following the Conference: March / April, 2022. Responsible organisation: LCA. Participants: LV (14), LT (5), FI (3). Duration: 1 day.
Activities already held
- Network meeting 1: September / October / November, 2020.
- Network meeting 2: December 12, 2020.
- Network meeting 3 (discussions about the presented essays for the “Toolkit for teachers” – scheduled for March 1, 2021.
- Network meeting in Lahti, September 29, 2021.
- Network meeting 4 (Workshops and overview): Kaunas, January 10-12, 2022. Please read the discussed article by prof. Skaidrite Gūtmane (LChrA) here.
CONCLUDING CONFERENCE of the project “Teens Without Screens” was held at Majori / Jurmala Secondary school in June 7-8, 2022. Project partners from Finland and Lithuania besides participants from Latvia attended.
The conference Program is available here.
The conference was opened by official Address by the Minister of Education and Science Mrs. Anita Muižniece and State Education Development Agency (VIAA) senior project manager Mr. Linards Deidulis. Speakers from all countries shared their vision of how arts could be used for “detachment” of school pupils from their gadget screens – various perspectives were presented and actively discussed between teachers and speakers. Latvian, Finnish and Lithuanian collegaues shared their experience from workshops at home – it was both theoretical and practical, for maximum usefulness! Sharing was both enriching and inspiring, full of joy and good communication.
Also during the conference “Toolkit for teachers” – “Teens Without Screens: Tools for Social Interaction Through Arts” was officially presented to the audience. The book contains articles by project partners and specialists in pedagogy (in English) and arts implementation and was printed in 1000 copies.
Teens without Screens: Toolkit for Teachers